Friday, 3 July 2015

Little but Wonderful Book on Financial Wisdom/Personal Finance Management (Must Read......)

Dear Readers,

Wish to share with you a wonderful - little (just 72 page) book on Financial Wisdom that I came across few months back. The Book is titled as “The Richest Man in Babylon” and was published in 1926.

This is a must read book for anyone who is just starting her/his journey of personal finance. Those who want to refresh their knowledge on financial wisdom will also find the book interesting and useful.

This book offers financial advice through collection of simple stories set in ancient city Babylon. (A city in ancient Mesopotamia, founded in 1894 BC.) As on date, Babylon no more exists as a city.

Once it was the wealthiest city in the world despite of fact that it had no rich natural resources-no forests-no mines-even less rainfall.
This fact makes this city an amazing example of man (humanbeing)’s capability and talent to achieve anything as all of its riches were man-made.

Its citizens (Babylonians) were richest people of their time due to their various skills and smartness in financial management. Some history researches say they were the original inventors of money as means of exchange. (

So, let’s learn (re-learn) some Most Basic yet Most Important principles on long-term wealth creation/personal finance from such ancient people’s wisdom.

After reading, you will be amazed to know how true these principles stand today which were practiced thousands of years ago by these intelligent Babylonians.

PS: In this book, there are many words from old English. E.g. Thou for You, Thy for Your, Gold for Money/Wealth etc. So, you have to exercise little bit on English Translation but it’s worth it.

Empty wallet is main cause for most of the worldly problems.

"Money doesn’t solve all of your problems, but it does solve your money problems."

Enjoy NOW!
Pawan Kabra

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