Monday 15 April 2024

Wisdom Writings: Sunday Serenity


The poet Yung Pueblo on relationships:

"Find a partner who is ready to build with you.

It is not about finding perfection in another person, it is about realizing when you come across an undeniable connection that nourishes your being and matches the type of support you are looking for. Getting lost in the idea of perfection is a hindrance. Being with someone who is committed to going through the ups and downs of life together is truly priceless.

When two people embrace their imperfections and commit to growing into better versions of themselves, it will naturally enhance the happiness they share in the relationship."

Source: Instagram


It is a skill to not let other people’s actions control our thoughts and emotional well-being—a skill that, when learned, can go a long way in maintaining our emotional and, thus, physical health.


I learned to believe in a higher power outside myself. I learned that I did not have to be in control of all aspects of my world to be successful or happy, and that the more I tried to control everything, the more frustrated and unhappy I became.”



"Self care takes effort. It doesn’t just happen.

The body and mind need to be maintained. Similar to a garden, without effort, weeds will pop up and overtake everything.

With a bit of consistent pruning, the results can be beautiful."

-James Clear

#Wisdom Writings: Sunday Serenity

Enjoy Wisdom Nuggets !

Enjoy NOW !!

Sunday 7 April 2024

Wisdom Writings: Sunday Serenity


Have to vs Get to

"We spend a lot of time talking about everything we have to do.

You have to finish 10 things at work. You have to exercise today. You have to cook dinner for your family.

Now, change one word in each sentence. You don’t “have” to. You “get” to.

You get to finish 10 things at work. You get to exercise today. You get to cook dinner for your family.

The right perspective transforms your burdens into opportunities."


Executive coach Cherie Carter-Scott on life-long learning:

"Lessons are repeated until they are learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.

Learning lessons does not end. There's no part of life that doesn't contain its lessons. If you're alive, that means there are still lessons to be learned."

Source: If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules


From ‘Generation Wealth’ Documentary (2018)

1.    Unfettered, unregulated capitalism does what it’s designed to do, which is commodify everything.

Even human beings become commodities that you exploit for profit, until exhaustion or collapse.

2.    Global Capitalism has done a very effective job of destroying culture. That inability to hear the voices of the past, to understand traditions, makes it much harder for us to grasp who we are and where we came from.

#Wisdom Writings: Sunday Serenity

Enjoy Wisdom Nuggets !

Enjoy NOW !!

Sunday 31 March 2024

Hedonic Happiness


Nassim Taleb on Hedonic Happiness

Making $1 million in one year, but nothing in the preceding nine, does not bring the same pleasure as having the total evenly distributed over the same period, that is, $100,000 every year for ten years in a row. The same applies to the inverse order – making a bundle the first year, then nothing for the remaining period. Somehow, your pleasure system will be saturated rather quickly, and it will not carry forward the hedonic balance like a sum on a tax return.

As a matter of fact, your happiness depends far more on the number of instances of positive feelings, what psychologists call “positive affect,” than on their intensity when they hit. In other words, good news is good news first; how good matters rather little. So, to have a pleasant life you should spread these small “affects” across time as evenly as possible. Plenty of mildly good news is preferable to one single lump of great news…The same property in reverse applies to our unhappiness. It is better to lump all your pain into a brief period rather than have it spread out over a longer one.


Source~ Nassim Taleb, in The Black Swan


Greek philosopher Epicurus on desire and contentment:

"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."


 "Focus starts with elimination, improves with concentration, and compounds with continuation."

-James Clear

#Wisdom Writings: Sunday Serenity

Enjoy Wisdom Nuggets !
Enjoy NOW !

Sunday 24 March 2024

Wisdom Nuggets


Buddhist monk and author Thich Nhat Hanh explains how to support your friends and family when they are suffering:

"Even before you do anything to help, your wholehearted presence already brings some relief, because when we suffer, we have great need for presence of the person we love. If we are suffering and the person we love ignores us, we suffer more. So what you can do—right away—is to manifest your true presence to your beloved and say the mantra with all your mindfulness: "Dear one, I know you are suffering. That is why I am here for you." And already your loved one will feel better."

Source: Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm



"Explore life from a position of power.

When you believe, "Even if I stay single, I'll still have a great life" ... then you are in a much better position to enter a relationship.

When you believe, "Even if I don't get into this school, I'll still have a great life" ... then you are in a much better position to apply.

When you believe, "Even if I don't succeed with this business, I'll still have a great life" ... then you are in a much better position to give it a try.

Sure, you may want the relationship to work or the business to be a success—and you should give it your best effort—but also realize that if it doesn't work out, you'll be fine. There are many ways to live a great life."

Source: James Clear’s E-Newsletter

#Wisdom Writings: Sunday Serenity

Enjoy Wisdom Nuggets !
Enjoy NOW !

Sunday 17 March 2024

What will be the biggest decision of your life?

What will be the biggest decision of your life? 

Career? NO.

Healthy lifestyle? NO.

City/Country to live in? NO.

Personal Finance learning? NO

“The biggest decision of your life will be who you choose to marry,” said Warren Buffett in a documentary. “There have been two turning points in my life,” he added, “One when I came out of the womb and one when I met Susie. What happened with me would not have happened without her.”

He addressed the topic during a 2017 conversation with Bill Gates at Columbia University, too –

You want to associate with people who are the kind of person you’d like to be. You’ll move in that direction. And the most important person by far in that respect is your spouse. I can’t overemphasize how important that is.


So how big and overwhelming a deal is to pick the right spouse? Tim Urban writes in his blog Wait But Why –

…start by subtracting your age from 90. If you live a long life, that is about the number of years you are going to spend with your current or future life partner, give or take a few…And when you choose a life partner, you are choosing a lot of things, including your parenting partner, someone who will deeply influence your children, your eating companion for about 20,000 meals, your travel companion for about 100 vacations, your primary leisure time and retirement friend, your career therapist, and someone whose day you will hear about 18,000 times.

As a culture, we spend hours upon hours developing academic knowledge, building physical fitness, deciding where to go to college or learning about managing our money well. But we spend little time, if any, finding out how to make the most important decision of our lives. Because that is what it is.

Your choice of life partner will affect the quality of your life much more than where you go to college, what you do for a living or where you make your home. Choosing a good spouse is by far the most important thing in life to get right.

And the best way to get a good spouse, Charlie Munger advises, “is to deserve a good spouse.”

#Wisdom Writings: Sunday Serenity

Enjoy Wisdom Nuggets !
Enjoy NOW !

Monday 6 November 2023

RangDe Field Visit

Few weeks ago, I got opportunity for RangDe field visit to meet and interact with RangDe and its impact partner assisted rural entrepreneurs (social investees) at Dang and Saputara along with other fellow social investors from Mumbai. Had great time during the field visit which brought lots of insights & learnings. Proud to be a Social Investor. Start your journey of social investing at today and start creating impact.🙏. 

To know more about social investing and RangDe and know how we can play our part in poverty reduction in India, please read below 2 page post.

So, don't wait more and start your journey of social investing through and start creating your impact.

Enjoy NOW !

Enjoy Social Investing !!

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Best time to plan for retirement is......

Best time to plan for retirement is:

At the time of Birth.

(Because the 8th Wonder i.e. Power of Compounding only works/works best when this power is given plenty of time/maximum time).

So, it is only in the hands of parents to give the best retirement to their child.

But how? Very simple. Parents just need to open a separate Trading cum Demat A/c for their newly born child and invest whatever amount received on the birth ceremony into Index ETFs and invest whatever amount received on child’s every birthday again into Index ETFs.

Ex. Suppose Rs. 51K invested at the time of birth and Rs. 11K invested at the time of every birthday till 30 years.

Assumed CAGR is 15-18% p.a. (given in past and very reasonable expectation)

Further, assumed that the newly born child will take her/his retirement at age 60 (Present Life expectancy in India is 70.15 years, will increase further in future).

Now, see the power of compounding when added with power of TIME:

@ CAGR of 18% (One-time investment of Rs. 51K + Annual investment of Rs. 11K for 30 Years)

After Years

Amount Invested till date

Value of Investments

Real Value of Investments (considering Inflation rate of 6% p.a.)


1.61 Lacs

5.26 Lacs



2.71 Lacs

30.00 Lacs



3.81 Lacs

1.60 Crores



3.81 Lacs

8.38 Crores



3.81 Lacs

43.86 Crores



3.81 Lacs

229.57 Crores

6.96 Crores


@ CAGR of 15% (One-time investment of Rs. 51K + Annual investment of Rs. 11K for 30 years)

After Years

Amount Invested till date

Value of Investments

Real Value of Investments (considering Inflation rate of 6% p.a.)


1.61 Lacs

4.30 Lacs



2.71 Lacs

19.62 Lacs



3.81 Lacs

81.59 Lacs



3.81 Lacs

3.30 Crores



3.81 Lacs

13.35 Crores



3.81 Lacs

54.02 Crores

1.64 Crores


“So, Dear Parents, if you want to give me the best of the best gift when I get born and join you all on this planet earth, please gift me the “gift of my retirement”. - Your newborn child (yet to be named) 😊

Enjoy retirement planning !

Enjoy NOW !