Saturday, 2 June 2018

टेढ़े सवाल सीधे जवाब.. A FUN QUIZ GAME

All Q are Pure Veg, So Ans must be Pure Veg J. Includes many tricky question asked at IAS Interviews as well.

Source: Compiled from various sources over Internet

Suitable for playing at any get together and/or during any journey.

Q1) वो क्या चीज़ है जो लड़की के पास दो है और गाय के पास चार ?

Q2) वो क्या चीज़ है जो हम खाने के लिए खरीदते है पर कभी नहीं खाते?

Q3) पुराने ज़माने में एक बड़े सेठ के 5 बेटे थे और हर बेटे के एक सगी बहन थी. बताओ उस सेठ के कुल कितने बच्चे थे ?

Q4) मोनू के पिता के चार बेटे है-सोममंगलबुध और ____. चौथे बेटे का नाम बताएं.

Q5) अगर गुप्ता जी की मुर्गी ने शर्माजी के बगीचे में अंडा दिया तो अंडा किसका हुआ?

Q6) A is the father of B. But B is not the son of A. How’s that possible?

Q7) A truck driver is going down a one way street the wrong way, and passes at least ten cops. Why is he not caught? 
Q8) How can a man go eight days without sleep?

Q9)  A man and his son were in an automobile accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. The emergency room surgeon said “I can’t operate, that’s my son!” How is this possible?

Q10) How was it possible that every single person in an airplane crash died, but two people survived?

Q11) There are three important rooms in a house. The first one is filled with money. The second one is filled with important papers. The third one is filled with jewelry. One day all of these rooms burst into fire. Which room did the policemen put out the fire in first?

Answers: (not in sequence of questions asked above)

By sleeping during the night time
Because he was not driving! He’s walking on the sidewalk.
B is the daughter 
Murgi ka
The surgeon was his mother.
The two survivors were married.
None of them, because policemen do not put out fires; firemen do.
6 Children